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The Importance Of A Regular Health Check

Medicine has traditionally focused the vast majority of its time and resources on disease diagnosis and effective treatment. However, considering the complexities of the human body, and the capacity for things to go wrong, this would seem like a shortsighted approach when implementing a comprehensive health care scheme. But the sad fact is, for the vast majority of people, health prevention is not only left for the individual to organize, but also to pay for. The even sadder fact is that even fewer of this group, and particularly men, are actually willing to take the necessary steps to more closely monitor their health. A quite ironic state of affairs when we consider the time and money we are prepared to lavish on our cars in regular services.

So how often should we consider having a health check and why should we have one? Well, if we consider the first question, there is no hard and fast rule. Usually before the age of 18 it is recommended a child should be screened on a yearly basis. After 18, where no problems have been previously identified, a visit every other or every third year is often sufficient. However, for women over 18, an annual gynecological examination is advisable once the individual is sexually active, or over 21, which ever comes first. As we age, and with the onset of more age related medical issues, more frequent visits for a check up are advisable. Women over the age of 40 should commence mammograms. From the age of 50 a bi-annual health check is advisable. For men an annual rectal examination to assess prostate and colorectal cancer is a sensible precaution. Over the age of 65 a yearly examination and health check should be undergone.
If we now consider what possible kind of tests and examinations may be required, this will very much depend on both, age, sex and any pre existing conditions. Other than the checks previously mentioned, many doctors recommend you should at least have your blood pressure checked annually and your cholesterol every other year. If the condition demands it, or if we decide to do so for peace of mind, it's possible to arrange a whole raft of medical checks in order to fully assess our health. Some times such tests are covered under health insurance schemes, though often the individual is not covered, and therefore must pay out of their own pocket. Tests might include; blood tests to detect diabetes, liver, heart or kidney disease, thyroid test, chest x-ray, urine tests, ECG, EST and pap smear. Generally, this level of testing, including those test mentioned in the previous paragraph, would be sufficient for most individuals.
Finally, it should be kept in mind that we are all unique and as such should invest some time and energy in carefully tailoring a program of care to our own particular needs. Early detection really does make it easier to treat any subsequent health problems.

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