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The 4 Key Components of Better Health and Fitness

Being conscious about your health, fitness and weight is a commendable thing today. In the midst of our busy and hectic lives revolving around work, studies and social gatherings, it is indeed not easy to spend time to keep track of where our health is going.

Disciplined and healthy habits start from the little things we do everyday, like keeping tab on the type and quantity of food we eat, as well as the activities we do to keep ourselves active daily. The small efforts do add up - and together they help you to keep a healthier body and shed off excess weight.
Here are four key tips for to you keep a healthy body.

Tip 1: Eat right, and at only what you need.
In today's cities, there is an abundance of unhealthy food. Fast food chains and outlets make it easy for you to get loaded with too much salt, sugar and fat in your diet. If you are serious about your health, stay away from ANY fast food outlets. If you need to dine out, get proper and nutritious meals at food centers where you can get a good proportion of veggies, meat and good carbohydrates in each meal.
Tip 2: Drink enough clear plain water
To maintain a healthy body, you will need at least 2-3 litres of plain water a day. You might be surprised, but most people get by with less than a litre a day! This is suicide! No wonder they are unhealthy and overweight. Plain drinking water helps your body to flush away any toxins in your body in the form of urine and your bowels.
If you struggle to down a cup of water after each meal, consider carrying a 500ml bottle with you all the time. Drink a mouth or two each hour, and you will find finishing 4 bottles a day isn't that though afterall.

Tip 3: Workout at least 3 times a week
As what people say "Whatever you don't use, you tend to lose". To keep your muscles active, you got to be using them everyday. To keep your heart beating strongly, you have to use it everyday and give it some work to do. Working out 3 times a week will not only keep your muscles and body system in check, but also help you to shed off any excess weight. Be sure to workout for at least 30 minutes in each session.

Tip 4: Sleep early and sleep enough
You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and studies have shown that we are biologically programmed to "recover" most effectively from 11pm to 1am at night. Sleep early, kick the habit of burning the midnight oil and wake up earlier to get things done.
If you are disciplined enough to carry out this 4 tips effectively, you can be sure to be on your way to better health and fitness!

New Trends In Your Health Care

As 2011 kicks off, there are some health care trends that will continue to become more widely used in the health sector. The technology will be used more than ever in 2011 with an increase in electronic record keeping, monitoring and computerized communication between health professionals and patients. The trend of online ordering of prescription medications continues.

1. Connected Health Monitoring
Connected health monitoring means using a computer connected service to communicate with someone who has health issues. One of the most widely known areas of connected monitoring is that of a senior alarm. These devices allow a senior at home to wear a necklace that has a push button that will contact an answering service. In turn, the answering service can call a rescue squad if needed.
Another way that health will be monitored through technology is by video health care. In the past, a physician had to fax patient information over to another physician to get a second opinion. With specialized medical video equipment, the patient, attending physician and specialist can confer together at the same time.

2. Mobile Health Units
Just as mobile libraries bring books to customers in locations established, there will be an increase in the amount of mobile health units used in the coming year. A mobile health unit is like a doctor's office on wheels. Some are equipped with technology to pre-screen for diabetes, hardening of the arteries, the potential risks for stroke, hearing loss, slurred speech, vision problems, bone density and other preventive health care.
Mobile health units are crucial for those who live in remote, rural areas where there is little in the way of preventative health care. Mobile units also offer reduced rates for patients who have low-income. With the cost of health care at an all-time high, the medical industry is trying to be proactive by preventing major illnesses from occurring.

3. Ordering medication online
More and more pharmaceutical companies are selling prescription drugs online as a convenience for patients. Ordering drugs online can be a good service for people with limited mobility and needs medicine delivered right to their door. It can also be faster to re-fill a prescription through a computer that already exist rather than running out in the local pharmacy.
The general trend in the healthcare industry will be one of the most use of technology as a form of communication and record keeping improved. Hospitals, laboratories and offices will spend more time trying to eliminate paper documents into the system of health care more efficient.

Urgent Care Services for General Illnesses

Many general illnesses can result in you requiring urgent care. The reason behind this is because the symptoms of a simple illness can allow you to still go about your daily business without much thought. All this does is progress the illness into something more severe than from when it starts. Colds can turn into serious conditions, or can last a very long time. There is no reason to go untreated for any type of general illness that you can catch.

One way to avoid needing urgent care for a common illness is to go in and get a vaccine or shot to prevent you from every contracting the virus. Flu shots are a perfect example of this. Most shots and vaccines are made to be very affordable and they are able to be done very quickly. There is no need to wait at the doctors for hours, and no need to break the bank, so it is better to cure yourself before you get sick, and this process will save you money in the long run.
If you are showing symptoms for any type of illness, the first thing you should do is go into a urgent care center to figure out what exactly you have. Many people mistake certain symptoms as the common cold or flu when in reality they can have a much more serious condition. This is why it is stressed to consult your doctor if you are not feeling well.
If you have a serious illness with very hampering symptoms, your urgent care center can help you by prescribing you antibiotics for your condition. They will have the knowledge to diagnose your illness, and have the capability at figuring out how to cure you. This can all be done at your urgent care center on a budget to, while using any type of insurance provider.
Many people without insurance have to resort to going into an emergency room at a hospital, or going to a free health clinic to get lack luster service. Smaller clinics don't carry a huge overhead like hospitals which is why they are a budget friendly option for people with insurance trouble. Your health is the most important thing to urgent care service providers, so the finances are thought about after you are treated and cared for. Go in to get your general illness cured fast so that you can live day to day feeling healthy and illness free.